Center Based Early Intervention Program

Children 12 months to age 3 who qualify for early intervention services have the option to attend a center based program.  8 children are assigned to a class.  Services are provided 3 or 4 days per week for 3 hour sessions.  Children attend either in the morning or the afternoon with staff providing home visits.  Bus transportation is provided or parents have the option to self transport.  An early intervention specialist, teacher assistant and a team of therapists are assigned to each class and assist the teacher and family in providing needed interventions to meet the goals in the Individual Family Service Plan.  At age 3, children transition out of the early intervention program into a special needs preschool program if eligibility requirements are met. Franklin County teachers and staff work cooperatively with the local school districts to support this process.

Preschool Special Education Program

Children ages 3-5 who quality for special education services have the option to attend a center based program.  Preschool classes serve 12 to 18 children with and without special needs.  Classes are in session 4 days a week for 3 hour sessions.  Children attend either in the morning or the afternoon.  Bus transportation is provided or parents have the option to self transport. Each class is assigned a preschool special education teacher, a regular education teacher and 2 assistants with a team of therapists assigned to each class to assist the teaching team in providing needed interventions to meet the goals in the Individual Education Plan.

Specialized Services

Each child who qualifies for special education is evaluated by a team of early intervention specialists in cooperation with the parent to determine the learning needs of the child and need for specialized services.  Each team of educators and specialists works together to individualize the child’s program and activities in a transdisciplinary manner.  Parents are encouraged to attend class conferences and/or team meetings.  All meetings are prescheduled.  The following specialized services and support services may include:

Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities