Our learning environments are designed to support the learning of all children. Children who have a wide range of abilities are offered opportunities to experience learning. Children who are physically, cognitively, socially and linguistically challenged and gifted share in their learning each day at school.

Our environment supports children's natural curiosities and desire to learn. Classrooms and outdoor learning environments are engaging and provide easy access to multiple learning opportunities within the context of routine experiences. Opportunities for motor development, problem solving, relationship building, exploration, investigation, and collaboration are created in each setting.

Developmentally appropriate skills are introduced to children though hands on exploration, functional technologies, scientific discoveries, social play, and open- ended activities.  An abundance of natural materials and tools are used for children to represent their thinking.

Staff with specialized skills provide support services to ensure that all children have full access to the many learning opportunities in the varied environments to experience success.

Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities